Wednesday, August 29, 2007

plies myspace layout for

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Sunday, August 19, 2007

plies, lil wayne and much more







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include :

Part 1 - general

April Fools


Bible Verses comment graphics


Birthday comment graphics


Cars graphics


Cute comment graphics


Compliments comment graphics


Country comment graphics

* Christmas




Emotions comment graphics


Events and Occasions comment graphics


Funny comment graphics


First comment graphics


Gambling comment graphics


Gangsta comment graphics


Greeting comment graphics

* Halloween


Holiday comment graphics


Insults comment graphics


Kanji Symbols comment graphics


Love comment graphics

* Labour day

* Military
comment graphics


Misc comment graphics

* New Years


Play boy bunny logo graphics


Proud comment graphics


Questions comment graphics


Random Comment graphics

Sports comment graphics

* Thanksgiving


Welcome new friend graphics


Zodiac comment graphics


Part 2 - Girly Graphics


cheer up graphics


girly words graphics


hey babe graphics


hey cutie graphics


hey gorgeous graphics


hey sexy graphics


heya graphics


how are you graphics


I am not as smart as I look graphics


Im sorry graphics


lick my toes graphics


Missing you graphics


Showing love graphics


Smell my feet graphics


Take care graphics


WUU2 graphics


What's up graphics


yo graphics

Wednesday, August 01, 2007 lil wayne fan site lil wayne pics lil wayne bio and more

check out lil wayne .biz now
for the best:

lil wayne picstures
lil wayne music videos
lil wayne bio

Welcome to one of the hottest lil wayne fan sites out their, if youw ant the latest info on weezy, including the latest videos, music updates, album updates, track released youa re at the right place, book mark us and come back regualr to get a updat on wayne.

Lil Wayne is a very popular American rapper he real name is Dwayne Michael Carter Junior. He grew up an only child now has a younger brother in the poverty-stricken and crime-ridden Holly grove neighbourhood of New Orleans in the USA. At the age of 16, his stepfather Reginald "Rabbit" Carter died.

Wayne's first contact with hip hop was listening to local Cash Money Records artists like Pimp Daddy and UNLV, whom he would credit as his earliest influences.

Wayne began rapping at block parties as a child, and his performance at one of them caught the ear of Lil Slim, a Cash Money rapper also from the neighbo rhood, who soon after the show gave him his phone number.

He went on an autograph signing session with Lil Slim, he met Cash Money Records owners, Brian "Baby" Williams and Ronald "Slim" Williams. His freestyling abilities impressed the Williams brothers, but they didn't sign him at first. 11-year old Wayne started to record freestyles on Baby's answering machine and haunted Cash Money offices nearly every day. When Baby saw so much engagement in the young rapper, he soon signed him and hooked up with another newcomer Lil Doogie to form The B.G.'z. The group released their first and only album, True Story in 1995.

Don't forgot to check out the new lil wanye album which drops soon its going to be one of the hottest rap albums this year.

Birdman Addresses Lil Wayne Broken Jaw RUmors

With a rumour spreading around the ‘internet’ like wildfire concerning the possibility of Lil Wayne getting beat up by a member of Gille Da Kid’s entourage, we decided to try and get to the bottom of this Cash Money Mystery. Since it was Gillie’s camp that leaked this latest bone-breaking gossip, we wanted to give Cash Money a chance to respond, and that they did with none other than Baby himself phoning in to Complex HQ and setting the record straight.

To quickly get you up to speed on this latest Hip Hop hullabaloo, Mary Bowling of J&M Entertainment and publicist for Gille Da Kid, put out a press release stating that Lil Wayne’s jaw was broken by one of Gille’s boys at a tour stop a couple weeks ago, a claim The Birdman vehemently denies, “That’s false, I don’t see the nigga, and if you don’t get money I don’t see you. Niggas be trying to do sh*t to get their name out. No truth to no sh*t like that.” He confidently scoffed at Bowlin’s claim saying that Gille or his people posed no threat to any of the Cash Money Millionaires whatsoever. “A man is a man. He’s a bi*ch nigga. His mouth is like an ass, anything will come out of it.”

Baby goes on to explain that Gille is just popping sh*t off for attention when we asked why he’d bother even circulating a rumor like that, “Nigga be trying to do sh*t to get their name out. He did it for notoriety, it’s been like that since he picked up a microphone. If you don’t know how to get money, you’re going to be a nigga like him, these niggas don’t want this, they don’t want no blood!”

We then asked the Birdman about Gille’s claim of ghostwriting Wayne’s lyrics for the “Carter 1,” a rumor which he also quickly dispelled: “None of that is true homie. Real men do real things. Know what I’m saying? Those niggas can’t write that.”

Gille wasn’t the only artist to feel the wrath of Cash Money. Referring to the backlash from the comments Weezy made in our Dec/Jan issue about Jay-Z, Pharrell, and The Clipse that created a firestorm still burning across various media landscapes to this day, Baby stood his ground and backed up his potna, “If a nigga feels a certain way, fu*k ‘em. Where we come from living is like a threat. We’re not tripping on anything. I come from controversy that’s been our whole life. We ain’t tripping on petty sh*t.”

Amidst the tough-talk, Baby made it clear to us that his main focus for Cash-Money is stacking paper and doing it for the fans, “My little homie is the hottest in the game, we’re celebrating our 10th year anniversary, trying to break new artists, we chase money, we just do entertainment.” He adds, “We’re just trying to give the world good music.”

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

what month of the year are you

------------JANUARY BABY--------------------
-Loves to dress up.
-Easily bored.
-Seldom shows Emotions.
-Takes time to recover when hurt.
-Repost this in 5 mins and you will meet someone new in 8 days
that will perfectly balance your personality.

--------------FEBRUARY BABY-------------------
-Abstract thoughts.
-Loves reality and abstract.
-Intelligent and clever.
-Changing personality.
-Sexiest out of everyone.
-Determined to reach goals.
-Loves freedom.
-Rebellious when restricted.
-Loves aggressiveness.
-Too sensitive and easily hurt.
-Gets angry really easily but does not show it.
-Dislikes unnecessary things.
-Loves making friends
-Daring and stubborn.
-Realizing dreams and hopes.
-Loves entertainment and leisure.
-Superstitious and ludicrous.
-Tries to learn to show emotions.
-Repost this In 5 mins and you will talk to someone new and realize that you are a perfect match.

--------------MARCH BABY--------------------
-Attractive personality.
-Affectionate Shy and reserved.
-Naturally honest, generous and sympathetic.
-Loves peace and serenity.
-Sensitive to others.
-Great kisser.
-Easily angered.
-Appreciative and returns kindness.
-Hardly shows emotions.
-Tends to bottle up feelings.
-Observant and assesses others.
-If you repost this in the next 5 mins, you will meet your new love in 8 days.

------------------APRIL BABY--------------
-Great kisser
-Loves entertainment and leisure
-Suave and compromising.
-Funny and humorous.
-Very talkative.
-Calm and cool.
- Does work well with others.
-Very confident.
-Positive Attitude.
-Thinking generous.
-Good memory.
-Clever and knowledgeable.
-Loves to look for information.
-Able to cheer evryone up and/or make them laugh.
-Able to motivate oneself and others.
-Fun to be around.
-Bubbly personality.
-Boy/girl crazy.
-Loves sports, music, leisure and traveling.
-Hot but has brains.
-If you repost this in 5 mins, a Cutie that's caught your eye will introduce themselves and you will realize that you are very much alike in the next 2 days.

----------------MAY BABY-----------------
-Stubborn and hard-hearted.
-Strong-willed and highly motivated.
-Sharp Thoughts.
-Easily angered.
-Attracts others and loves attention.
-Deep Feelings.
-Beautiful physically and mentally.
-Firm Standpoint.
-Needs no Motivation.
-Shy towards opposite sex.
-Easily consoled.
-Systematic (left Brain).
-Loves to dream.
-Strong clairvoyance.
-Sickness usually in the ear and neck.
-Good imagination.
-Good physical.
-Weak Breathing.
-Loves literature and the arts.
-Loves traveling.
-Dislike being at home.
-Not having many children.
-High spirited..
-If you repost this in the next 5 minutes, you will become close to someone you do not speak to much in the next 4 days.

------------JUNE BABY-------------
-You've got the best personality and are an absolute pleasure to be around.
-You love to make new friends and be outgoing.
-Easily angered.
-Forgiving but never forgets.
-Having lots of ideas.
-Honest and loyal.
-Kind and sympathetic.
-Not aggressive unless provoked.
-Concerned and detailed.
-Brave and fearless.
-You are a great flirt and more than likely have an a very attractive partner.
-A wicked hottie.
-It is also more than likely that you have a massive record collection.
-You have a great choice in films, and may one day become a famous actor/actress yourself - heck, you've got the looks for it!!!
-IN the next 6 days you will meet someone that may possibly become one of your closest friends, if you repost this in 5 minutes.

-------------JULY BABY--------------
-Fun to be with.
-Difficult to fathom and to be understood.
-Takes pride in oneself.
-Has reputation.
-Easily consoled.
-Concerned about people's feelings.
-Emotional temperamental and unpredictable..
-Moody and easily hurt.
-Witty and sparkly.
-Spazzy at times.
-Not revengeful.
-Forgiving but never forgets.
-Dislikes nonsensical and unnecessary things.
-Guides others physically and mentally.
-Sensitive and forms impressions carefully.
-Caring and loving.
-Treats others equally.
-Strong sense of sympathy.
-Wary and sharp.
-Judges people through observations.
-No difficulties in studying.
-Loves to be alone.
-Always broods about the past and the old friends.
-Waits for friends.
-Never looks for friends.
-Not aggressive unless provoked.
Loves to be loved.
-Easily hurt but takes long to recover.
-Repost this in the next 5 mins and your reputation will boost
someway in the next 12 days

------------AUGUST BABY---------------
-Outgoing personality.
-Takes risks.
-Feeds on attention.
-Kind hearted.
-Self confident.
-Loud and boisterous.
-VERY revengeful.
-Easy to get along with and talk to.
-Has an "every thing's peachy" attitude.
-Likes talking and singing.
-Loves music.
-Easily distracted.
-Hates not being trusted.
-BIG imagination.
-Loves to be loved.
-Hates studying.
-In need of "that someone".
-Longs for freedom.
-Rebellious when withheld or restricted.
-Lives by "no pain no gain" caring.
-Always a suspect.
-"charming" or "beautiful" to everyone.
-Strong willed.
-A fighter.
-Repost in 5 mins and you will meet the love of your life sometime next month.

------------SEPTEMBER BABY---------------
-Active and dynamic.
-Decisive and hasty but tends to regret.
-Attractive and affectionate to oneself.
-Strong mentality.
-Loves attention.
-Consoling, friendly and solves people's problems.
-Brave and fearless.
-Loving and caring.
-Suave and generous.
-Usually you have many friends.
-Enjoys to make love.
-Good memory.
-Moving, motivates oneself and others.
-Loves to travel and explore.
-Sometimes sexy in a way that only their lover can understand.
-if you do not repost this in the next 5 mins, someone very close to you will become mad at you in the next 8 days.

--------------OCTOBER BABY-------------------
-Loves to chat.
-Loves those who love them.
-Loves to takes things at the center.
-Inner and physical beauty.
-Lies but doesn't pretend.
-Gets angry often.
-Treats friends importantly.
-Brave and fearless.
-Always making friends.
-Easily hurt but recovers easily.
-Does not care to control emotions.
-Great in bed.
-Extremely smart, but definitely the hottest AND sexiest of them all.
-repost this in 5 mins or you will not meet the love of your life for 10 years.

---------------NOVEMBER BABY-------------------
-Trustworthy and loyal.
-Very passionate and dangerous.
-Wild at times.
-Knows how to have fun.
-Sexy and mysterious.
-Everyone is drawn towards your inner and outer beauty and independent personality.
-Playful, but secretive.
-Very emotional and temperamental sometimes.
-Meets new people easily and very social in a group.
-Fearless and independent.
-Can hold their own.
-Stands out in a crowd.
-Essentially very smart.
-Usually, the greatest men are born in this month.
-If you ever begin a relationship with someone from this month, hold on to them because their one of a kind.
-Repost in 5 mins & you will excell in a major event coming up
sometime this month.

---------------*DECEMBER BABY*---------------
-This straight-up means ur the most good-looking person possible..
-Better than all of these other months!
-Loyal and generous.
-Competitive in everything.
-Active in games and interactions.
-Impatient and hasty.
-Influential in organizations.
-Fun to be with.
-Easy to talk to, though hard to understand.
-Thinks far with vision, yet complicated to know.
-Easily influenced by kindness.
-Polite and soft-spoken.
-Active mind.
-Hesitating, tends to delay.
-Choosy and always wants the best.
-Funny and humorous.
-Loves to joke.
-Good debating skills.
-Has that someone always on his/her mind.
-Knows how to make friends.
-Able to show character.
-One guy/girl kind of person.
-Easily hurt.
-Prone to getting colds.
-loves music.
-Loves to dress up.
-Easily bored.
-Seldom shows emotions.
-Takes time to recover when hurt.
-A hot new guy/girl will catch your eye & you will catch theirs too in the next 6 days, if you repost in 5mins

Saturday, June 23, 2007 William Omar LandrĂ³n was born on the 10th feb, 1978 in Puerto Rico, William Omar LandrĂ³n was born on the 10th feb, 1978 in Puerto Rico,
Omar is a Latin Grammy Award nominated reggaeton singer and rapper.
He is known as Don Omar.

Omar is one of the best known reggaeton artists in Latin America.
His cross over success in the U.S. has given him more exposure to English speaking ReggaetĂ³n fans Plies is a very popular American rapper he real name is Algernod Lanier

Plies is a very popular American rapper he real name is Algernod Lanier
Plies was born in Washington on July 1, 1976

Plies currently resides in Fort Myers, Florida

Plies first signed to Slip n Slide Records, the Miami-based label where Trick Daddy,
Trina, and Rick Ross rose to fame.

However, Plies chose to stay with Atlantic rather than move over to Def Jam.

Plies debut album, The Real Testament, is due for released on August 7 2007, when this album drops its going to be hot.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

a Month) Our Place @ Dragonfly (Once a Month) Room Service @ Mandaly Room Kings X (Every Friday Night) Cherry @ Space Bar (Every 2nd Saturday) Chocol

these clubs i can GEt you guys on the list for free entry and specails on drinks!

Pink Bits @ Havana Club (Once a Month) Le Funk @ Mylk (Every Saturday Night) Forbidden House @ Middle Bar (Once a Month) Our Place @ Dragonfly (Once a Month) Room Service @ Mandaly Room Kings X (Every Friday Night) Cherry @ Space Bar (Every 2nd Saturday) Chocolate City @ UN (Every Friday Night) AmoreĂ¢€™ @ V BAR (Once a Month) ..

to get on guestlists message me via myspace:

Monday, June 04, 2007


hey hows it doing, sorry for this big ass comment but its to HOTTTTT not to send around,

if you get this and your under 18 help a borther out and tell you mates about this, people who are over 18!

First off on the 8th of June - hit up -->> YU <<--- a huge night free entry for girls before 11pm TOP DJS line up,
shits going to be hot dont MISS ouT!!

Image Hosted by

15th of June big friday night DIRTY disco at HAVANA
I know its early but hop on the guestlist now, so you dont miss out,

Image Hosted by

16th of June - Trashbags (one of the hottests events in sydney only on once a month, dont miss out
hop on my guestlist NOW dont miss out on this hot night

Image Hosted by



or email/add me to MSN on:


Thursday, May 31, 2007 RIYO MORI FAN SITE RIYO MORI, RIYO MORI Pictures, RIYO MORI video

Name: Riyo Mori
Birthdate: December 24, 1986
location: Japan
Height: 5'9"
Eye color: brown
Hair color: black
Titles: Miss Universe Japan 2007
Miss Universe 2007
Major Competitions: Miss Universe Japan 2007 which Riyo was the winner in.
Miss Universe 2007 which she was the winner in also.

Riyo Mori was born December 24, 1986 in Shizuoka, Japan,

Riyo is a Japanese dance instructor and keen performer.
She has recently won the Miss Universe beauty pageant in May 2007 which is the worlds largest
beuaty pagent.

Riyo is the first Japanese in history to pass the audition for The Rockette Summer Intensive.
She has studied at Quinte Ballet School of Canada and also is a graduate of Centennial Secondary School in Belleville,
Ontario, Canada. She usually works as a ballet dancer.

Miss Universe 2007 (MAY)

Riyo Mori became Miss Universe beating out Brazil, Venezuela, Korea, and USA.
She's the second Japanese Miss Universe in 48 years.
The first Miss Universe winner from Japan was Akiko Kojima in 1959.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Sunday, May 20, 2007

trashbags, Mandalay Room, ZODIAC HOTEL, VBAR

hay how u doing,
Events this weekend comming:

FRIDAY 26th may:



$5 coronas & SKYY Vodka Shakes @ VBAR

SATURDAY 27th may:



or email

to get on the guestlist!!!!

DOn't miss out on any of these events they will all be huge!!!


Friday, May 18, 2007


FORBIDDEN HOUSE at MIDDLE BAR: Free Entry b4 11PM on my guestlist its gonna be a huge night
if you liek house music then you will love this event, top quality djs and a great bunch of people
dont miss out message or email or sms your guestlist to me now =)

Image Hosted by

Sunday, May 13, 2007

havana club this friday night 18th may

havana club this friday night 18th may

Hey how you doing???

Friday night, dont hit up the local, do something different!!!!
my advice is come check out havana on this friday night 18th may,
its going to be HUGE, free entry before 10pm on my guest list,
if you get in their between 9 - 10pm havana will even give you cheap drinks,
how much better can a friday night geT? Well to top it off havana will aslo be having some of sydneys
hottest DJ's spinning........

DONT MISS OUT send you guest lists in now via email or via message on here!!!!!!

Image Hosted by

Monday, May 07, 2007



Image Hosted by

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Friday, May 04, 2007

Paris Hilton going to jail

THE endless party that is Paris Hilton's lifestyle was gatecrashed by the law today as the socialite was sentenced to 45 days in prison for a parole violation.

The millionaire heiress to the Hilton hotel empire looked close to tears as she wailed, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry" just moments before receiving her sentence at downtown Los Angeles' Metropolitan Court.

Paris' parents, Rick and Kathy Hilton, looked visibly upset as the sentence was handed down to their daughter, one of the world's most photographed and famous women.

Hilton's parole violation conviction came after she was caught driving on a suspended licence in February following her no contest plea to drink-driving.

Prosecutors had warned yesterday they would seek a jail sentence for the blonde style icon but it did not deter Hilton from testing the patience of the court by turning up for her hearing at least 15 minutes late.

Soberly dressed in a dark suit with a white blouse, with her blonde hair swept back in a pony tail, Hilton did not comment as she arrived, running a gauntlet of at least 60 paparazzi and reporters.

Builders on a construction site opposite the courthouse shouted "Jail time!" to dozens of television crews and photographers who ringed the building in downtown Los Angeles.

Satellite television trucks crowded side streets and local news crews hovered overhead in helicopters, completing a surreal scene at the court, which normally deals with minor traffic violations.

Prosecutors told the court Hilton had been stopped on January 15 by California Highway Patrol and told she was not allowed to be driving.

On that occasion, Hilton signed a police statement acknowledging she was not supposed to drive and she was let off with an informal warning.

But just over a month later she was hauled over again in Hollywood when spotted driving her $US190,000 ($231,045) Bentley Continental GTC at night with its headlights off.

Hilton's spokesman said his client was unaware she was violating her parole - but prosecutors dismissed that line of argument, citing the earlier brush with traffic police in January.

Hilton had lost her licence for alcohol-related reckless driving and was given 36 months probation.

Paris Hilton going to jail
The charges stemmed from her September 7 arrest after she was found driving her Mercedes with an alcohol level equal to the legal limit.

Court documents described her decision to repeatedly keep driving as a "flagrant" violation of court orders and demanded she be given a custodial sentence.

They also alleged Hilton failed to enrol in an alcohol education program within 21 days of the order directing her to do so.

A favourite target for tabloid gossip and the paparazzi, Hilton appeared in the reality television series The Simple Life and in 2003 an unauthorised sex video with her former boyfriend appeared on the internet.

She ventured into music last year with a debut album and has had cameo roles in a handful of films, including the 2005 horror film House of Wax.

Friday, April 27, 2007

great dating site to check out

Come and see all my pictures at my profile *'Here'*

Monday, April 16, 2007

Saturday, April 14, 2007




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Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Monday, April 09, 2007

What Are Healthy Levels of Cholesterol?

Image If your total cholesterol is less than 200 mg/dL, your heart attack risk is relatively low, unless you have other risk factors. Even with a low risk, it's still smart to eat foods low in saturated fat, trans fat and cholesterol, and also get plenty of physical activity. Have your cholesterol levels measured every five years — or more often if you're a man over 45 or a woman over 55.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

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Thursday, March 29, 2007

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Tuesday, March 27, 2007

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Monday, March 26, 2007 the new fan site for aussie babe miranda kerr sexy videos sexy pics of miranda kerr all found here

Miranda Kerr (born February 20, 1983) is an Australian supermodel. She was raised in the Australian rural town of Gunnedah, but moved to Brisbane shortly after. Kerr began modelling at age 13 after winning the Dolly/Impulse Modelling Competition in 1997. This win sparked significant media attention and controversy over her age and maturity, and the matter of paedophilia and child pornography. Kerr dismissed these claims in an interview, stating; "They were blowing out of proportion. In the media at the time they were trying to cling on to anything remotely to do with paedophilia. Dolly is a magazine for teenage girls, not for old men. And I was fully clothed! Doing a winter shoot! They just made something out of nothing."

Kerr was described by one fashionista as having an Audrey Hepburn look as well as being linked to the current 'baby doll alien' looks, similar to models Gemma Ward and Lily Cole. Many also cite her unique look somewhat as a combination of models Gemma Ward and Daria Werbowy. Her success as a model has been phenonemenal and as a result she now appears at high profile fashion shows, while also gaining immense coverage in various campaigns.

So far, Miranda's career has consisted of catwalks, fashion and beauty shoots, as well as TV and magazine advertising campaigns. So far she has modelled for Maybeline, Levis, Portmans, Jets, Blumarine Swimwear, John Richmond, Lisa Ho, Veet, Bonds and Peter Alexander, Elle, Harpers Bazar, Italian Glamour, Oyster, Squint and Australian Vogue as well as walked for big fashion designers such as Anna Mollinari, Just Cavalli, Blumarine, Baby Phat, Enrico Coveri, Amuleti J, Cia Maritima, Betsey Johnson and John Richmond to name a few .

Presently she is modeling for Victoria's Secret and was the first ever Australian model to appear in a Victoria's Secret runway show. She also appears in the Pharrell and Kanye West music video "Number 1".

Sunday, March 25, 2007

I have a STALKER A user on a car forum Im a member on tells about this girl who is a sex crazed stalker

here is he account on what has happened I have coppied and pasted eveyr thing here becuase you have to sign up to read these posts:

Post One -

At work for the past few days, I've recieved calls from some girl who has been asking questions like "Do you have a girlfriend" or things like that, or hangs up if someone except me answers the phone. It's been annoying but not that big a deal, we've just lauged about it in the office.

However, a letter marked "Private - For Ash Jenkinson Re: Employment" was left at the front desk yesterday. Naturally, my co-workers being the wonderful folk that they are, opened it and read what it said, then called me over to read it. And it said this:

Was I just offered money to sexually service her?! And what's the deal with her changing the amount of money that she was going to offer me? Was she counting her change or something and found some more behind the couch?

Now some people have said "What if she's really hot" but it definatly can't be that - if she was hot she'd not have any problem approaching me and saying hi in person. I mean shit, I'm hot as hell but I'm very approachable. I've a friendly smile, you see.

So I've got me a Vodafone Red Sim and $20 credit on it. I'm gonna acivate it now and then message this bitch - this could be interesting. Stay tuned for the outcome.

Also I'm a bit freaked out and scared

post 2


Sigghh, I bet she just called work and asked for it and someone gave it to her without thinking...


AND she said that "I see you every day"


I messaged back saying "I think you sent that to the wrong number, this is Trev"


Wait... the message come from some number that wasn't the one she gave me as being hers. I'm starting to wonder if this is all a joke.

post 3
Hahaha PHEW! That SMS was a false alarm. One of my mates that I'd told about the stalker sms'd me from his other mate's phone to freak me out, and his GF thought that was horrible and made him fess up.

So even tho that wasn't real, this stalker bitch still is. I think I might get wasted and call her tomorrow

Post 4

turns out that it wasn't a prank or anything, it really was some crazed bitch, who's called me and harrassed me and whatever since I last posted... argh I can't be arsed typing it all out right now, but promise I will within the next few days.

post 5
Mate I don't know what to say... I've now had countless letters and cards left for me, all of them asking for my body for money and other crazy things. One card even had 10 bucks in it - woohoo, paid for my parking at work for the day.

The letters have also steadily gotten more and more warped too. She has written things like "One positive thing I do is donate blood" in them, and actually makes constant reference to the fact that she gives blood. My mates reckon that's her way of trying to tell me that she doesn't have AIDS. Great, huh?

Shit guys, I dunno what to say... pretty much all of my friends, even those that though it was fcucking funny at the start have told me to go to the cops now, due to the constant phonecalls at work, letters etc. and how weird they are getting.

She has also been asking about my girlfriend when she calls and a few staff members from work have said that she has approached them and asked her about my girlfriend before, which makes me seriously concerned about the safety of my girlfriend. It might be nothing, but I'm scared that she'd hurt my girlfriend or something, this chick seems more than a bit unhinged, she wanted to know if my girlfriend worked with me, when she'd be in etc. Thankfully the other staff members have had the sense to tell her when she has approaced them and asked them these things that they are not allowed to discuss these things with members of the public. My girlfriend doesn't work with me, thankfully, but I still have a considerable concern for her safety...

Anyhow, if I get a minute, I'll scan up a few more of the letters to show ya what I mean about them getting more and more warped...

So yeah...

Note: I've fixed the dead pic link in the first post, so it's visable now.

post 6
Here's a couple more letters that I have next to me on my comp desk, so I scanned them in. The one where she says "this is the last time that I'll ask you"... there's been heaps more since that so it's not like it's over. Also, notice that she begun to write "I don't have..." then she scribbled it out - I suspect that was going to be that she didnt have any diseases, but then wrote the bit about blood instead at the bottom.

and another

post 8

Friday, March 23, 2007 sexy photos of this play boy bunny holly madison all round hottie WOW

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Friday, March 16, 2007

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