Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Fifteen tips that can help you save money,in 2007

Money can be a source of headache,learning how to save some useful dollars,can be quite a nice reliever.

Here are few tips that can help you teach ,how to save your well earned dollars,euros or anything else.

1. Set a budget and stick to it: Decide what’s priority spending and cut back on little things- $1 dollar here and $5 there every day adds up.

2. Get Organized: It’s critical to be organized to avoid wasting money on fees. Have a folder on every open account. Be cognizant of all due dates, save letters and document conversations.

3. Review monthly statements on all accounts: I’m assessed $.35 for every transaction above 20 on my checking account. I make arrangements to avoid this absurd charge. Review all open accounts (credit card, checking, savings). -Assess and avoid miscellaneous charges such as check writing or ATM transaction fees. -Eliminate fees on credit cards by ensuring bills arrive on dates due, make monthly minimum payments and avoid overlimit fees. -Consider consolidating credit cards to one card with low interest to avoid paying numerous fees to several cards.

4. Don’t bounce checks: At $25-$35/each bounced check plus a possible fee by the recipient merchant of the bad check, this is an unnecessary expense and wasted money.

5. Pay cash: Right now is not the best time to charging up your credit cards. But, by no means should you stop spending. Can’t afford a big-ticket item right now? Save money until you can afford to pay cash for the purchase.

6. Save loose change! I turn mine in every 1-6 months and I’ve had up to $80 extra spending money. Collect loose change around the house, put in one central location and at the end of every day, have everyone in your household turn in his or her loose change.

7. Coupons: I used to laugh at my grandmother when we’d arrive at the Piggly Wiggly with a stack of coupons, but I have to tell you the woman could save some money. Use them and feel great saving money on shopping bills (click here to get grocery coupons)

8. Don’t be afraid of a good sale! Shop closeout specials, discount stores and others for necessities. Get much more for your hard-earned dollar!

9. Phone bills/Long distance: Nothing like a good ‘ole personal note- Start writing. If time’s limited, use email! Save on postage and shipping by using USPS instead of FedEx or UPS.

10. Shop in bulk: Do one major grocery shopping a week. Freeze what you don’t use right away and stock your kitchen with the basics.

11. Home cooked meals: Taste great and lend well to quality family time. Oftentimes better than meals you eat out and pay twice as much for!

12. Leftovers: No longer for the back of the refrigerator anymore. Either take them for lunch or reheat for dinner! 13. Dining out: Often a much-needed luxury but can easily be taken for granted. Recount how many times you’ve dined out during the past month and cut back slightly to save money.

14. Make tea, lemonade and drink water: Instead of spending money on numerous cans of soft drinks, make sweet tea or lemonade at home to save. No time like the present to increase you and your family’s water intake!

15. Assess luxuries and cut back slightly to save big: Look at what you spend on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. Cutting back on daily $4 coffee drinks can save $80/month. Review luxuries you take for granted- spending only a little here and there adds up quick!

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